Today brings back memories that sometimes are hard to think about. I was in Washington D.C. for National Guard Duty the day the plane hit the Pentagon. The Double Tree Hotel I was staying in was right across the street from the Pentagon. I was at the Army National Guard Readiness Center (about 2 miles from the Pentagon) when the planes hit. I was more fortunate than 2 others in our Colorado contingent who were actually in the Pentagon when the plane hit. They survived but the chaos and trauma was hard on them. When we were told to leave the building I was in, it took us 2 hours to get back to the hotel even though it was only 2 miles away. Traffic was horrible and cell phones did not work. When I got back to the hotel I was able to use the land line to call my family at home in Colorado to reassure them I was safe. The fear I felt that day still comes back to haunt me sometimes. The sad part is 18 years later we really are no safer from terrorist, and the general public does not take it seriously. The smell of the burning jet fuel smoke being sucked in to our hotel air conditioning will stay with me forever. The relief when we landed back in Colorado on September 12th stays with me too! The world changed on September 11, 2001. Please pray for our troops deployed that they may safely return home. God Bless America!
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Never Forget!