Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Club Scrap Cantina Blog Hop

Welcome to the Club Scrap Cantina bloghop.  
If you arrived here from Lisa's blog you are in the right place.  If you arrived here from somewhere else and would like to start at the beginning of the bloghop, go HERE to the Club Scrap blog

 I get my digital kit on the first day of the month.  The Cantina kit looked perfect for some Birthday Party scrapping!  So I dug through my photos and found these of my daughter and her Aunt.  They celebrate October birthday's together!

CraftyColonel Donna Nuce, Club Scrap Cantina bloghop

I use Panstoria Artisan software for my digital scrapbooking.  I cut and pasted three of the photo frames on the pink QDDL (Quick Drop Digital Layouts) onto the yellow sunshine paper and added the banner overlay, a title, minimal journaling and the margarita to the page.  Easy peasy!

This month my Club Stamp kit arrived in plenty of time before the bloghop for me to make some cards!   
CraftyColonel Donna Nuce, Club Scrap Cantina bloghop
There's a trend in the crafting world to make your own plaid.  All you need is a stamp with some lines on it.  The Art Nouveau stamp had the four lines so I decided to try it.  The orange was a little bold and overpowered the yellow a bit but it's still a cute background.  

Come back to my blog on Monday August 3rd to see another Club Scrap Cantina Card I made for the Cards in Envy Challenge blog.

Next up on the blog hop list is Marya Kaszubinski.  If you would like to start at the beginning of the blog hop head on over to the 

Happy Crafting!


  1. Very nice page. Great papers and embellishments and your plaid looks great to me. I've kind of been out of the loops lately so I didn't even know about making plaids. I will have to give that a try. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I think the plaid turned out great! I just cut that stamp out the other day and haven't had a chance to play with it but now I'm inspired!

  3. I never thought of pulling elements from the QDDLs and using them to add to "from scratch" layouts . . . sheesh! So much for me to learn yet in the digi world! ;)

    I think the plaid you created is fabulous, and I WILL be back on Monday to check out your other card . . . can't wait!

  4. Love the plaid card and the digital layout is wonderful!

  5. The digitalpage is wonderful and sois your card!
    It is such a happy kit. Nothing can go wrong here.

  6. LOVE the plaid background. I can't wait to give it a try!

  7. Great projects, so cute how the birthday banner decorations in your cake pics really go well with the Cantina banners, your so clever, I know I have a lot to learn in the digi world. Great plaid card too, gives us all a lot of great ideas, thank you.

  8. Great layout and card!

  9. Super creations Donna - your lo is very pretty with the banners and love how you used the stamps on your card.


  10. I think that plaid background actually looks pretty cool with all that orange, a very vibrant card!

  11. Love it all, but the card especially! I love the combination of your handmade plaid and that fun aqua patterned paper. Thanks for sharing!

  12. So cute! That plaid is adorable.

  13. Perfect layout for a 21st birthday! Beautiful!

  14. Fantastic digi layout and card! The plaid is nifty! That is exactly what I'd envisioned with that stamp but never had a moment to make it so. Thanks for doing that for me! ;)


Thank you so much for your comments. I read and enjoy all of them.